巴赫拉姆?沙赫鲁兹(Bahram M. Shahrooz)教授,bet28365365娱乐场特聘教授、博士研究生导师,国家高端外国专家、福建省“外专百人”计划入选者。现为美国辛辛那提大学土木与建筑工程系教授,辛辛那提大学大型试验设施中心主任,美国土木工程学会(ASCE)、混凝土学会(ACI)、地震效应委员会(SEI)资深会员。曾担任美国土木工程学会组合结构委员会主席,美国混凝土学会组合结构委员会主席,美国土木工程学会和混凝土学会现浇混凝土结构节点和连接构造委员会委员,美国土木工程学会结构工程分会创办人之一。Shahrooz教授在工程结构抗震分析和设计,钢筋混凝土结构、组合结构性能和设计,新型结构体系和新材料研发,大型结构长期健康检测等研究领域开展了卓有成效的研究工作,取得大量创新性研究成果,在国际重要学术刊物发表论文120余篇。
1987 博士 土木工程 加州大学伯克利分校
1983 硕士 土木工程 威斯康辛大学
1981 学士 土木工程 亚利桑那州立大学
1. 钢筋混凝土结构、预应力混凝土结构、组合结构性能与设计(Behavior and design reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, and composite structures);
2. 新型结构体系研发和新材料应用(Development of innovative structural systems and applications of new materials);
3. 民用基础设计原位检测和长期监测(Field non-destructive and destructive testing and long-term monitoring of civil infrastructures);
4. 抗震分析与设计(Seismic analysis and design)。
1. Mitchell, S.J., Rassati, G.A., Shahrooz, B.M., “The Development of a Steel Fuse Coupling Beam for Coupled Core Wall Systems,” Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VII, ASCE, 2016, pp 494-507.
2. Shahrooz B.M., Reis J.M., Wells E.L., Milller R.A., Harries K.A., Russell H.G., “Flexural Members with High-Strength Reinforcement – Behavior and Code Implication,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, (19)(5)(2014): 04014003_1–7.
3. Soltani A., Harries K.A., Shahrooz B.M., “Crack Opening Behavior of Concrete Reinforced with High Strength Reinforcing Steel,” International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, (7)(4)(2013): 253-264.
4. Bill H.L., Dolleman A.M., Miller M.L., Shahrooz B.M., “Evaluation of Continuous Transverse Reinforcement,” Concrete International, ACI, (35)(11)(2013): 49-55.
5. Harries K.A., Shahrooz B.M., Soltani A., “Flexural Crack Widths in Concrete Girders Reinforced with High-Strength Reinforcement,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, (17)(5)(2012): 804-812.
6. Harries K.A., Zeno, G., Shahrooz B.M., “Toward an Improved Understanding of Shear Friction Behavior,” ACI Structural Journal, (109)(6)(2012): 835-844.
7. Soltani A., Harries K.A., Shahrooz B.M., Russell H.G., Miller R.A., “Fatigue Performance of High Strength Reinforcing Steel,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, (17)(3)(2012): 454-461.
8. Rassati G.A., Fortney P.J., Shahrooz B.M., “Performance Evaluation of Innovative Hybrid Coupled Core Wall Systems,” Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VI, ASCE, New York, N.Y., (2011): 479-492.
9. Shahrooz B. M., Miller R. A., Harries K. A., and Russell H. G., "Design of Concrete Structures Using High-Strength Steel Reinforcement," Transportation Research Board, NCHRP Report 679, 2011, Washington, DC, 72 pp.
10. Turer A., Shahrooz B.M., “Load Rating of Concrete-Deck-on-Steel-Stringer Bridges using Field Calibrated 2D-Grid Models,” Engineering Structures, 33(4)(2011): 1267-1276.
11. Cromwell J.R., Harries K.A., Shahrooz B.M., “Environmental Durability of Externally Bonded FRP Materials Intended for Repair of Concrete Structures,” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, (25)(5)(2011): 2528–2539.
12. Harries K.A., Shahrooz B.M., Soltani A., Reis J.M., Wells E.L., Miller R.A., Russell H.G., “Bond and Anchorage of High Strength Reinforcing Steel,” Transportation Research Record, 2172 (2010): 96-102.
13. Shahrooz B.M., Reis J.M., Wells E.L., Miller R.A., Harries K.A., Russell H.G., “Flexural Behavior and Design with High-Strength Bars and Those Without Well-Defined Yield Point, Transportation Research Record, 2172 (2010): 103-114.
14. El-Tawil S., Harries K.A., Fortney P.J., Shahrooz B.M., Kurama, Y., “Seismic Design of Hybrid Coupled Wall Systems: State-of-the-Art,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, (136)(7)(2010): 755-769.
15. Fortney P.J. and Shahrooz B.M., “Boundary Detailing of Coupled Core Wall System Wall Piers”, Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, (12)(3)(2008): 299-310.
16. Fortney P.J., Rassati G.A., Shahrooz B.M., “Investigation on Effect of Transverse Reinforcement on Performance of Diagonally Reinforced Coupling Beams,” ACI Structural Journal (105)(6)(2008): 781-788.
17. Xuan G., Shahrooz B.M., Harries K.A., Rassati G.A., “A Performance-Based Design Approach for Coupled Core Wall Systems with Diagonally Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams,” Advances in Structural Engineering, (11)(3)(2008): 265-280.
1. NCHRP Project Number 12-109: Use of 0.7-in. Diameter Strands in Precast Pretensioned Girders, 2016-2019
2. NCHRP Project Number 12-91: Strand Debonding for Pretensioned Girders, 2012-2016
3. Continuous Stirrups for Shear and Torsion Reinforcement in Beams, Charles Pankow Foundation, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, 2011-2013
4. Testing and Health Monitoring of Bridge B-0070 on Eight Mile Road, ODOT and Hamilton County, 2010-2012
5. Collaborative Research: Development of Innovative, Replaceable Coupling Beam Systems for Damage Mitigation in Coupled Core Walls, NSF, 2007-2013
6. NEESR-II: Behavior and Design of Cast-in-Place Anchors under Simulated Seismic Loading, NSF, 2007-2013
7. NCHRP Project Number 12-77: Structural Concrete Design with High-Strength Steel Reinforcement, National Academy of Sciences, 2007-2010
8. "Field Performance Evaluation of Multiple Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bridge Deck Systems Over Existing Girders-Phase II", ODOT and FHWA, 1999-2005
9. "Advanced Study in Transportation Infrastructure Asset Management - Doctoral Fellows in Civil Engineering", US Department of Education GAANN Program, 2001-2005
10. "Development of a Novel Technique for Retrofitting of Existing Infrastructure", University of Cincinnati Research Council, 2002-2004
11. "Seismic Behavior of Composite Coupled Walls: Coupling Beams Including Slab and System", NSF, 1998-2004
University of Cincinnati
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
765 Baldwin Hall
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0071
Tel: (513) 556-3677
Fax: (513) 556-2599
E-mail: Bahram.Shahrooz@uc.edu